[nycphp-announce] next at nyphp: It's a Small World - Build Applications for It; Online Registration Open for NYPHPCon; Training in May

New York PHP noreply at
Mon Apr 17 08:43:07 EDT 2006

Online Registration Is Now Open for NYPHPCon 2006

Submit or suggest a presentation - either for online presentation or

April General Meeting:
It's a Small World - Build Applications for It

 When: Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month)
Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor)

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend!

We all know that the Internet has global reach. But as obvious as it sounds,
when developing, this very success factor of web applications is often
forgotten. Carlos Hoyos, Team Lead and Architect for's Global
Production Services Tools Team, takes us on a tour of the vital
considerations and technologies involved in supporting a global audience.
Join us this April for yet another leading presentation at New York PHP

Carlos writes:
You are president of your own web development company, and have deployed a
web tool where clients can login and submit changes to their pages. Business
is going great and before you know it, you have your first customers
overseas. Will your tool work correctly? What about time zones,
internationalization and those funny characters? Will the tool be available
at 3am during their day? You go back to the drawing board.

Through this example, I will review some of the lessons learned when
designing and deploying a global facing web application:
internationalization, proper usage of character sets, localization, time
zones and time awareness. Including pitfalls and suggestions for PHP 4 and

About Carlos:
Currently working as Team Lead and Architect for's Global Production
Services tools team, Carlos is in charge of the tools used by to
handle web content production and web effectiveness.

Carlos is a mathematician and has been programming for a long long time --
his first language was assembly -- and a PHP enthusiast since 2001. Prior to
IBM, Carlos worked as an economical advisor for the Colombian government as
well as a professor of mathematics.

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for

As a service to our community, New York PHP meetings are always free and
open to the public.

Come prepared with a business card to enter giveaways.

Thank you to Adobe for providing Dreamweaver 8.  Bring your cards!

 When: Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30pm sharp (4th Tuesday of every month)
Where: IBM, 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th Floor)

You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you attend!

New York PHP Training in May

New York PHP is offering two training sessions in May, plus a new Combo
package available for those wanting 4 days of premier PHP training.

Learn more and sign-up:

New York PHP Community

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