[nycphp-announce] Merry PHPmas - And a new SIG

New York PHP hostmaster at
Wed Dec 17 13:48:01 EST 2008


As another year at NYPHP draws to a close, a new one, thankfully, is right
around the corner.  Great how that always works out...

Anyway, during this thoughtful time of year, Slashdot perhaps has found the
best article:

We're also pleased to announce a new SIG at NYPHP.  The Sahana Project
( develops disaster management software that's in use
by countries worldwide, and right here at home.

Of course the platform of choice is AMP and we're looking forward to
building a vibrant community in cooperation with academics, governments and

Subscribe to this low volume list - as traffic gets heavy, we're planning on
spawning additional lists and web space for the community.

As a bookkeeping note, there is no meeting in December.  We're looking
forward to Mitch in January and a great line-up for the new year.

Happy Holidays to all, and to all - a good night-of-coding.

New York PHP User Group Community

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