[nycphp-jobs] Web Producer

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 23 16:32:33 EDT 2003

Hi Jeremy,

Jeremy Rutz wrote:

> Just a quick question for everyone. What is the going rate for a PHP/AMP 
> developer nowadays? This is for my own personal curiosity. Let's say 
> this is purely a developer role, no creative/Photoshop experience.

I found this last sentence interesting, the fact being that a PHP/AMP developer could also be expected to do creative/layout type of work.  While I know many developers that do both, it's important, for large projects especially, to seperate the two.  On most commercial platforms, they go through great lengths to detail and explain the roles of the various team members, for instance integrator, deployer, designer, etc.  It's important to keep this in mind when locating AMP talent as well - and especially so, since the line seemingly is finer between design and development.

Per a thread on NYPHP-Talk a couple of days ago; maybe this is part of the scalibility puzzle?

> I'm only looking for a range, not for anyone to divulge what they 
> charge. It's just that the days of the $100/hr freelance developer has 
> long gone, and I don't know what is "fair" in this market anymore.

It depends on the size of the project in my opinion.  I find that small projects generally work well with flat rates, but I see no reason large deployments couldn't easily go over $100/hour.  Don't forget, with AMP and someone who has system administration skills, you're getting developer/deployer/integrator in one; the only thing left is a designer :)


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