[nycphp-jobs] Web Developer, Village Voice Digital

Fan, Wellington wfan at
Fri Sep 29 16:39:15 EDT 2006

Web Developer, Village Voice Digital

The Village Voice, one of Village Voice Media's publications, seeks an
experienced developer to work with us on a full-time basis to build and
enhance small and large-scale applications for our publications'
websites and internal products. We seek a motivated and creative
individual who can take ownership of a few key projects and see them
through to completion.

Strong and demonstrable skills in PHP, Perl, MySQL, XML, RSS, Javascript
and CSS are required. Candidates must be comfortable at the *nix command
line. Experience with CakePHP, bash shell programming, Apache, MySQL
administration, mod_rewrite, Subversion or CVS is highly desirable.

The ideal candidate will have experience working in publishing and new
media environments and will have familiarity with the technical
requirements and pitfalls of high traffic web sites. The ideal candidate
will also possess excellent customer service skills, excellent written
and verbal communication skills and strong organizational and time
management skills.

Village Voice Media offers a comprehensive benefits package with
opportunity for career growth.

Please email your resume and cover letter, including salary requirements
to Kathy Cameron, Human Resources Assistant at hr at

Wellington Fan
Director of Development
Village Voice Media, LLC.
wfan at
(212) 475-8735

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