[joomla] Rafael's presentation

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Nov 13 08:37:15 EST 2009

Gah, getting back at 2am is leaving me drawing a blank on the company and
product name.  I had a couple questions, if someone could forward them on
directly in case they don't read this forum I'd appreciate it.

Also, if he could change his name to match the spelling of my son Raphael it
would REALLY help me remember how to spell his name, :-)

Great meeting guys, and the presentation was wonderful.

Something which may have been mentioned in the meeting, is there going to be
a beta test period of the free version of the software and if so, is there
any way we can sign up for it?

I cannot recall what the other question I had was but I assure everyone it
was highly insightful, bordering on the profound.

One last thing, Forest thanks again for your concern about my meds.  I am
looking into alternative methods and sent you email with more details on the
topic.  Any ideas you may have would be appreciated.
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