[joomla] Training on live site

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Mar 23 14:53:59 EDT 2010

On Tue, 23 Mar 2010, Tamar wrote:

> We provided a Joomla! training session a few months ago for a small business development center. Participants were mainly non-technical small business owners. During the day long session, we had the students create sites on USB flash drives. While we provided instructions after the session for moving a site from a flash drive to a live site, using Joomlapack, the procedure was too complicated for most participants. 
> Question - Assuming we have a decent broadband connection and not more than a dozen participants, what is the best way to have students develop a site online, where they can easily make the site 'live' when they are ready? We have another training session scheduled for May.
> Some students already have a static site that they want to replace, some have no site and no domain, and some have registered a domain name but have no site.
> We looked into having a single account with a hosting company and using subdomains for each participant, but there doesn't appear to be a simple way to move the site to another account after. We could also talk to hosting companies about setting up multiple trial accounts each with our custom Joomla! install to start off with - that the students could decide whether to keep. The sites are not built completely from scratch - we install some extensions and do some configuration before students start. 

You could also build your own server, using scripts you could also 
automate all the database setup and Joomla installs.

Then you could just have the server at the office on your local network or 
colo it somewhere with a provider (if you colo offsite, you will have to 
make sure its secured).


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