PHP Training

Winston Churchill-Joell winston at
Wed Nov 6 14:08:11 EST 2002

Hello all,

I'm a newbie to this group, so please forgive me in advance, if I'm asking a
dumb question: Is there any PHP training available in our area? I've been
doing a fair amount of searching in vain so far, for any professional
training in PHP in the NY metro area.

At last year's LinuxWorld Expo, Rasmus Lehrdorf did a 3 hour seminar on PHP
which was a definite eye opener, but that's really all I've found.

I work with PHP every day on our 1500+ page site and I've spent the last
year converting our entire site over to PHP. Coming from an HTML background
with no real programming experience, I've had to scramble to pick up
programming concepts and good practices along the way and what I'm really
looking for now is a chance to build on what I know and fill in the huge
gaps of knowledge that I still struggle with.

I'm probably dreaming, but I figure it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks for any
advice you have to give.


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