[nycphp-talk] Can I ask a DHTML question

Russ Demarest rsd at
Tue Oct 22 18:57:22 EDT 2002


    Everytime the button is pushed send the form back to a PHP script on 
the server and have it rebuild the page with another text box. You might 
also want to store the first text field in a "hidden" variable in the 
page and also print the name to the screen as text. You can continue to 
add features in the php script depending on what is submitted and how 
fancy you want to get.

    There is probably an easier answer but this way you do not have to 
worry about the client's js abilities, other than displaying the form.

    Good luck,


Mark Jia wrote:

>I got an interface project, but I never be an interface programmer, I think a lot of people out there could know this or could give me some hints, here is my problem:
>I have one text field and a button,  if user want to ask for another text field, user just simply click on the button, then another text field will be generate right after the previous text filed,  user can generate unlimited fields, this function should work for both IE5.0+ and Netcape4.0+.
>like this:
>                                         -------------------------          ----------------------------------------
> Enter your account    :       |                         |         |click if you have more accts|
>                                         --------------------------          -----------------------------------------
>when user click on "click if you have more accounts", another text filed will be generate right on the next line. 
>I know it will use Javascript, also some knowledge about windows DOM structure, I didn't find some similar website, could you give me some hints? or give me a website using this kind of text fileds.
>sorry it is not a PHP question.
>Thank you for your help!
>Mark Jia
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