[nycphp-talk] php5 classes & financial aid

ace ace at
Sun Dec 21 23:22:59 EST 2003

I would like to know about any financial aid that may be offered for the NY-PHP courses. 
I am currently unemployed/self employed, trying to make any possible living as a php developer, systems administrator, and network administrator. 
I've been working with pup for about 6 years and have developed many applications, websites, and scripts, including several GEL projects. 
I am looking to learn more about PHP5 and OOP so that I can become a more valuable php developer, hopefully resulting in a permanent position somewhere. 
I also plan to develop a large class library and an interface for that library, to ease php development for beginner developers 
(the sourceforge project & .com are already in place). 

I am far beyond basic concepts and have learned a great deal from the web and free sources. 
However, I would like to have some legitimate php training on my resume to justify the skills that I list. 
If anyone knows of any grants, scholarships, or other funds available to lower working class, low income persons, please send me information. 
I would love to have the opportunity to expand my skills, and be ahead of the php5 oop revolution and become a much needed asset in the marketplace.

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