[nycphp-talk] FTP client

Brian brian at
Mon Jan 13 11:33:53 EST 2003

That moves me in the right direction.  I will try it out, the transfer status 
is the last piece of the puzzle for this project.  For the FTP connection, it 
was a simple matter of using exec("/usr/bin/ftp -v $server $port < $ftpfile", 
$ftpreply) where $ftpfile contains my ftp commands and $ftpreply is an array 
of output from the FTP program.


On Monday 13 January 2003 10:37 am, Wellington Fan wrote:
> Hello List,
> > you may not be able to show process
> > indication on Php if you are trying to create HTML output. But
> I think you *might* be able to show a progress bar by using print() &
> flush():
> <?php
> $imgsrc = '<img src="/images/status.gif" width="1" height="15" alt=""
> hspace="0" vspace="2">';
> for($i=0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
> 	print ($imgsrc);
> 	flush();
> }
> ?>
> Where status.gif is a thin little slice of a progress bar. I tested the
> above code and it seems to work.

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