[nycphp-talk] OSCommerce Gotchas(?)

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Oct 31 14:48:27 EST 2003

jon baer wrote:

> can you explain a little ... i just setup shop last week for my wife and it
> seems to be going pretty well, four orders already :-)  I did not really run
> into any snags yet (planning on authorizenet module to give some problems or
> take a few to figure out) but one thing i really wish the package came w/ is
> templates or the use of them ...
> are there any types of small user groups in the city relating to this
> project that u know of?

I've heard of this thing called New York PHP, but I'm not too sure :)

I'd like to get a meeting to cover osCommerce... anyone know any experts in this arena?  Also, maybe someone wants to help organize an osCommerce SIG?


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