[nycphp-talk] Costing

Kshitij Bedi Kbedi at
Mon Aug 16 09:32:28 EDT 2004

Thank you all, and and specially Michael :-)
and just to clear up things, I was here for an advice and not to underbid

-----Original Message-----
From: inforequest [mailto:sm11szw02 at]
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 11:43 AM
To: talk at
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Costing

Call me a cynic, but whenever I see something like :

"Hey competition, please tell me your pricing and proposal ideas so I can
optimally underbid you" all sorts of red flags go up.

If you are at a business maturity level such that you need to post a
question like that to an open PHP list, you would be wise to get a job
working for an established shop for a while longer - you need the
experience. NYPHP'ers would be serving the talk list well by only responding
to such posts offline.

-=john andrews
Quality <a href=htp://>PHP training</a> for the busy

Kshitij Bedi |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

How much should I charge for developing a Full authentication system (user

signup, with roles and premissions) and Order-Payment report generation

module for a pre-existing shopping cart website.

Payment Type: Lump sum

Language: PHP & MySQL & ASP.NET(C#) / SQL 2000 


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