[nycphp-talk] Question about resources for PHP4-based classes

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Wed Feb 4 20:03:22 EST 2004

Hey listolas,

Forced to be thinking in PHP4-based classes, I'm wondering where others 
on the list have found their most helpful resources on the 'Net.  The 
PHP documentation is correct, but I'm looking for something a little 
more verbose.

For example, it is commonly stated that PHP4 classes are clearly 
'stapled on'. Where is a good resource for insight into how to overcome 
these, ah, 'features'?

I'm about to jump into a huge project that is totally PHP4-meets-OOP and 
want to know just how unhappy I will become after all these years in c 
and python :^P

-- Mitch

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