[nycphp-talk] php install, on debian

Eric Rank erank at
Tue Feb 17 14:44:40 EST 2004

Shoot, I was afraid you were going to make me remember what the details

I just took a look at the configuration log files and I can't find anything
helpful. So instead here's what I remember. It was a sunday afternoon, and
there were many ./configure , make, makeinstall commands typed at the
console. I kept getting errors at the 'make install' of php4 relating to the
apxs of apache. I googled the error and searched the mailing list postings
that resulted. Eventually, I remember finding something related to libtool.
I also remember choosing to use the /usr/bin/libtool instead of the apache2
version, but I can't remember at what point, what for, or where I made the
configuration change. Nothing I have gives me any indication of what I did.
I should have been taking notes! Now *I* want to know.

Sorry this isn't more help. That's all I got. If I remember, I'll get back
to you.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <bpang at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] php install, on debian

> Thanks.
> I should have specified that I am installing with apache 1.3.29
> I also should have noted that I apt-get removed apache, php and mysql from
> the knoppix dist.
> I sorta prefer to do a manual install than to install a package. This way
> I can be sure to get the features that I want (or have no success
> installing it!!!) :)
> How did you specify using the debian installed libtool? I haven't been
> able to see any documentation regarding that.
> <some stuff snipped>
> > I had some trouble building and installing PHP on debian maybe a month
> > a
> > half ago. I'm fairly new to debian as well (and linux too for that
> > matter),
> > but its starting to warm up on me. Eventually, I did get php to build
> > install from the source. However, I built it with a new build of apache2
> > (also from source) and I think this is how it worked:
> >
> > When building apache2 I had to make sure to use the debian installed
> > libtool
> > (/usr/bin/libtool), not the one that came with the new apache2. This was
> > something I had to do in the configuration of the build of apache2.
> > that, the build and install went just fine. Although, I did find that I
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >> Using current stable releases of httpd and php and installing as
> >> indicated
> >> in the manual
> >>
> >> with a few extra configure options...
> >> full configure statement:
> >> ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-axps=/www/bin/apxs
> >> --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/lib --with-zlib-dir
> >> --with-ttf --with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib --with-t1lib --enable-ftp
> >> --enable-exif
> >>
> >> It's not putting in /www/libexec or anywhere for that
> >>
> >> So I can't update httpd.conf to AddModule... :(
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