[nycphp-talk] [OT] Virtual Dedicated Servers

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Nov 5 22:25:16 EST 2004

Hans Zaunere |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>A jail, on the other hand, has implications on the entire server picture
>that you see.  This means that users are up to you, processes are up to
>you, etc.  A VPS/VDS won't typically provide a control panel because
>they expect you to either configure your own, or not need one at all.
>At the end of the day, a VPS/VDS gives you all the root functionality
>you need for an AMP deployment, and you wouldn't even notice that you
>are in fact sharing the hardware with someone else.  This also means
>that it's unlikely there are any services running; although they might
>be nice enough to get some level of email running for you.
This matches my experience.

When I went to VDS it was at the time that VMWare 3 was out, and IBM was 
touting fully virtualized server hardware running Linux, virtualized on 
an AS/400. They had used a mainframe to host hundreds of virtual server 
environments, each running Linux, in a way similar to VMWare's 
virtualized hardware environment - with code emulating the hardware 
interface. The kernel didn't know whether it was hardware responding or 
virtual hardware. The entire kernel was dedciated to the one virtual 
server. That is apparantly *not* what VDS/VPS is...

I'll leave the real technical stuf to you guys.

-=john andrews

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