[nycphp-talk] Marginally OT: dedicated hosting

Keith Richardson keithjr at
Thu Oct 14 22:09:59 EDT 2004

I have used for a small linux dedicated server - 59$ per
month with ensim basic on it, which you have to do the configuration
for the accounts. 20$ upgrades it to pro, which lets your customers do
their own managing. you can configure options that you can add
redundant hdd, and other options.

I used them until my server hdd died, which then I was already in
process of switching to free hosting from, so i
just cancelled it.

Support was nice, price was right.

I have also used - but they were about 120$ or so for a
lower end server.

I have a co-worker that runs - he has a
cat5 connection right to time warners datacenter since he is in the
same building, and has great service, and has no problems with you
calling him, since it happens all the time :P

Other than that, I would just search webhostingtalk to see for other companies.

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:00:44 -0400, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:
> Hi gang,
> Being that I host several PHP driven websites, this isn't completely off topic.
> I used to use RackSpace, but the high prices didn't match the
> nonexistant service.  So I switched to Server Beach, where the prices
> rocked but they refused to provide backups, even when I offered to pay
> extra.  So I switched to aPlus (who got a high rating as a hosting
> provider) - and was lied to by the sales agent up front; lied to by
> another who promised a customer I referred I would get credited one
> month; and then told to bugger off when I had complaints.  And after
> half a year their backup is still not implemented anyway!
> Are any of you out there happy with a dedicated provider, and paying
> in the $100 - $250 range?  Do you get backups?  Do you get printed
> invoices?  Do you speak with a human when something goes wrong?
> I'm looking to mirror Mambo in the US, and also am gearing up to
> launch a new online magazine (more on that later, the domain will blow
> your minds), and have no interest in spam or pr0n - my content may be
> misspelled, but is nevertheless clean.
> Anybody out there lend a helping hand to a distressed and distraught soul?
> -- Mitch, devastated and annoyed at the threat of looming DNS updates
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP Talk
> Supporting AMP Technology (Apache/MySQL/PHP)

Keith Richardson
keith at

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