[nycphp-talk] OpenSource CMS

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Oct 31 11:10:12 EST 2004

Mitch Pirtle |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>An excellent resource for research is OpenSourceCMS:
>As a core developer on mambo, I am unabashedly biased ;-)
>Functionality-wise, the king of the hill IMHO is plone, but also has
>the greatest complexity and performance requirements (dual processor
>machine with >1GB RAM is minimal for a serious site).  After that it
>becomes a pick-your-poison type of exercise.
>You must weigh the importance of simplicity, ease of installation,
>features and 3rd party availability in your decision accordingly. I
>joined the mambo team because I felt they had the cleanest/easiest
>administration interface, and the most active 3rd party community (for
>add-ons and extraneous goodies).  Write me directly for any background
>information on the latest developments, as I believe you may find them
>Just make sure that the CMS you choose has a good active community
>behind it, and a dedicated team of developers working on the core; and
>you will be assured that your CMS will be able to grow with you.
>-- Mitch
Yeah, what he said. Also last I looked Plone was written in Python not 
PHP, and fluency in the native language of the app gives a major 
advantage when working with large, complex apps (IMHO this is especially 
true with Plone).

I suggest you look again at why you need security, and be very, very 
specific. You may find the CMS is fine for you, or that you can modify 
your intended use a bit to alleviate concerns.

-=john anddrews

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