[nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?

Jonathan hendler at
Fri Aug 5 10:20:58 EDT 2005

Preaching to the choir - but I'm diggin' it.

I wrote a J2ME  app. Spent 2 weeks to create a login form that used Java 
RMI, then SOAP.
THen spent 10 minutes writing a XHTML-basic /php solution.
Not ready for the Enterprise? Why? Scalibility? Or because the 
Enterprise needs to spend money and _sound_ good.

edward potter wrote:

>True Story:
>Startup spends 3 million over 18 months trying to offer a Java
>solution.  Can't get it to work. PHP programmer comes in,  does 90% of
>the project over the weekend. Ask VC, lets get the thing out the door.
> VC says has to be written in Java, programmer says "WTF?".  Makes no
>sense at all.  Why Java?  VC says,  "We heard Java was the buzz. I
>have zero interest in programming languages _ as long as I can say we
>used "Java, Java, Java" to our investors, I keep on getting paid."
>Needless to say 3 months later they folded.  25 people out of work.
>Food for thought!   :-) ed
>On 8/5/05, Jeff Siegel <jsiegel1 at> wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: On Behalf Of Steve Manes
>>Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 7:26 AM
>>To: NYPHP Talk
>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] FW: Is the web's love affair with PHP over?
>><snip>I know from experience that Indian outsource
>>companies have little interest or investment in open source languages
>>like PHP and Perl.  Java, ASP and .NET rule there, possibly because the
>>developers learned their craft through universities and commercial
>>training/certification courses.
>><end snip>
>>Agreed. Having spent some time myself drinking the Microsoft Kool-Aid...I
>>know that it is difficult - at least initially - to see things in
>>non-Microsoft terms.
>>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>>AMP Technology
>>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
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>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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