[nycphp-talk] PHP 5 Exception Expertise Needed

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Sat Mar 19 09:45:29 EST 2005

ok so i figured out where my problem was, it was in the constructor
for the SvEx class, i had the template assigns there, i moved them to
the Dispolay method and it works as expected :)

one question though.

If an exceptions is thrown by PHP such as a fatal error or what not, i
cannot use my Display method.  Is there an easy way to rethrow an
exception as a certain type?  I would like to rethrow all exceptions
as SvEx type so that i can use my display method to get it to show a
nicely formatted error to go wtih the site's design, here is what i
have so far

End Users View (custom display)

Developers View (custom display) ( using localhost for the domain )

Default Exception Display

i would like to be able to use my Display method with all exceptions /
error that PHP is throwing.  Any ideas would be great.

Joseph Crawford Jr.
Codebowl Solutions
codebowl at

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