[nycphp-talk] CakePHP 1.2 wanted, svn help w/ SSL needed

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Sep 27 13:07:27 EDT 2006

I don't know if it's possible that svn is showing an incorrect error 
message... when I run the command you posted I get this:

svn co
svn: URL '' doesn't exist


Craig Thomas wrote:
> David Mintz wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Baer, Jon wrote:
>>> -----pgpenvelope processed message
>>> Is OpenSSL installed?
>> It is.
>>> Try yum update openssl then yum update svn ...
>> [david at mintz downloads]$ sudo yum update openssl
>> Setting up Update Process
>> Setting up repositories
>> Reading repository metadata in from local files
>> Could not find update match for openssl
>> No Packages marked for Update/Obsoletion
> If installed it's already updated to the latest version.
> $rpm -qa | grep ssl
> should list it's rpm /version info.
>> [david at mintz downloads]$ sudo yum update svn
> try:
> subversion [not svn]
> (go figure)
> I'm using FC5+ and don't have any problem with svn client and https urls.
> Also, a centos4.3 (clone of FC3) box also works without incident.
> HTH,
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