[nycphp-talk] ini_set problems

David Krings ramons at
Mon Nov 26 13:46:32 EST 2007

Dan Cech wrote:
> The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size ini settings cannot be set
>>from within a script, because by the time your script has started any
> larger uploads would have already been discarded.

Thanks for the info...which somehow sucks (the outcome, not your message). I 
set the limits before the upload starts, so it isn't that I tried toto do this 
retroactively, but when these limits cannot be set at all then it doesn't 
matter when and where I do this. I guess I need to put this in the docs at a 
very prominent spot.
Well, at least I can now focus my hand on desk banging on other issues.

Thanks for the quick reply.


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