[nycphp-talk] website loading speed issue

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Sep 4 04:31:48 EDT 2009

On Fri, 4 Sep 2009, Mangesh Sathe wrote:

> As it has large amount of data it takes so much time to load.
> i have  optimised sql queries as well as php code.
> Any suggestion or Anyone knows ,how can i solve this problem?

You may as well ask the meaning of life - this is a big subject and there 
are many many approaches and techniques, but we need more details to even 
begin to help.

Is it the server-side PHP that is slow or your frontend code? Do you use 
any kind of caching? Are you using a templating library? Is this 
'straight' PHP or are you using a framework / library? What kind of 
database? Which version of PHP? Have you looked at any profiling tools? If 
you're using Firebug, have you looked at using the YSlow extension to look  
at frontend performance?

That's a good list to start with...


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