[nycphp-talk] Current PHP developer rates

Federico Ulfo rainelemental at
Fri Nov 18 12:30:26 EST 2011

> A really good programmer never has to search for a new position.  There
> are folks lined up around the proverbial block begging.  What we need to
> search for is a place to hide to get a week or two off here and there.

Right, but there are so many opportunities that you still have to do many
interviews to chose the best one, and this need time and energy.

Federico Ulfo ยป <>
Certified Developer Google & PHP

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Ronald Bradford
<ronald.bradford at>wrote:

> Thanks to everybody that responded.
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Jerry B. Altzman <jbaltz at>wrote:
>> on 11/17/2011 3:44 PM Joseph Crawford said the following:
>>  OH BOY remind me not to hire you :)
>> Your loss in that case.
>>  it depends on the length of the job, what's involved, how much money
>>>> they have...
>>> Why does how much money the client has determine what you are going to
>>> charge.  Sounds to me
>>> like you don't have a solid figure on what you feel you are worth and
>>> just try to get as much $$ as you can.
>> Actually, it is not uncommon to charge different *industries* different
>> rates; nonprofits typically get lower per-hour rates. There is a perception
>> about cost and value going on.
>> And...what precisely is wrong with trying to get as much $$ as you can? I
>> like hacking, but I also like paying the mortgage on time, funding my other
>> hobbies, paying for the kids' schools...
>> //jbaltz
>> --
>> jerry b. altzman | jbaltz at | | twitter:@lorvax
>> thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.
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