From gray3246t at Mon Oct 31 00:25:51 2011 From: gray3246t at (trout swim) Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 21:25:51 -0700 Subject: [zendframework] XAMPP file into htdocs permissions Message-ID: permissions pain when i am in the process of placing - a textmate file into XAMPP/htdocs i receive a password dialog window to do the password thing. the message is: Type your password to allow TextMate to make changes. What sticks out here is the words" to allow TextMate to make changes ". i could do a screen shot of the window, it has a image icon of textmate and a lock icon together. so it would "seem" to be a textmate issue ??. i see that the directories in XAMPP are guarded in root and Admin. i could change permissions, but , should i. could a script to allow TextMate to enter do the trick. i am new to bash. i have a book on bash on the way. i have been working in PHP, MySQL and some Javascript, i know a little on functions and such all. i have been trying to get thru the bash man pages. i could spend a few months learning bash to circumvent having to enter a password every time i would like to place a file into XAMPP/htdocs any suggestions besides going to the state mental hospital. Thank you. here are some file permissions. $ ls -la /Applications drwxr-xr-x 3 moonspoon staff 102 Mar 14 2011 ----------- $ ls -la /Applications drwxr-xr-x@ 8 root admin 272 Feb 27 2010 XAMPP ---------------------- $ ls -la /Applications/XAMPP/ total 32 lrwxr-xr-x 1 moonspoon admin 17 Feb 27 2010 htdocs -> xamppfiles/htdocs ----------------------------------- $ ls -la /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles drwxr-xr-x@ 9 root admin 306 Oct 30 13:15 htdocs -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gray3246t at Mon Oct 31 15:29:07 2011 From: gray3246t at (trout swim) Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:29:07 -0700 Subject: [zendframework] Sasa Rakic Message-ID: from [image: cleardot.gif]*Sasa Rakic - Gmail* rakics at to [image: cleardot.gif]trout swim date [image: cleardot.gif]Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 11:10 PM subject [image: cleardot.gif]RE: [zendframework] XAMPP file into htdocs permissions mailed-by [image: cleardot.gif] signed-by [image: cleardot.gif] [image: cleardot.gif] [image: cleardot.gif]Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation. hide details 11:10 PM (12 hours ago) Dear Trout, Could you please tell me did you find answer to your question ? Please let me know do you need help about, no matter do you want To cooperate with me. Best regards, Sasa ---------------------- Dear Sasa I feel that i did make a mistake of posting the post that i did post at zend frame works. I am learning to develop HTML Documents either static or dynamic 100 percent by way of books and some online material. And i see now that i am needing to go into the back, back end, way back there in the land of command line and its jungle. I was pointed towards the domain of NYPHP by XAMPP and while scrolling down in there while i was in a hurry while stressing out while ? At the time that i did see the words zend frame works , a thought came across my mind, while i was in a hurry , while i was stressing out while ??????.. add infinity????????. that zend frameworks could be or would be the place to place a question post in regards to XAMPP. after i made the post. i did look into zend frame works to receive a definitive understanding. and saw that zend frame works is geared towards PHP. i made a mistake. I do not have unlimited time to spend 12 hours a day at the computer. yad yada yada. Thank you your words as copied from above: Please let me know do you need help about, no matter do you want To cooperate with me. cooperate ? do we get to wear leather. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: